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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Evil Dr. Schroeder is turning three.

Don't worry. He isn't evil just because he is turning three. Evil Dr. Schroeder is a nickname he has acquired in some play universe my kids visit from time to time. This week, as we approach Schroeder's birthday, I'm going to attempt to document him in all his toddler glory. Here he is napping on the couch. Months and months ago, I gave up trying to give him a nap in his bed because he would get up again and again and our stairs are too steep for me to want to climb them fifteen times in an hour. Plus, he just played without bugging me and he wasn't too much of a pain at 5pm. He does fall asleep in the car, though. When he does, I try to gently, lovingly, lay him on the couch in our piano room. It typically works. He naps for an hour or two right there. It is problematic when we go somewhere in the car at 5:30. I don't want him to take a nap at 5:30. Anyway, here he is sleeping like a baby. He's a little sweaty and contorted but he is still cute.

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