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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Staycation 2010

Our vacation to the beach didn't happen this year. We stayed at home waiting for Maggie to arrive. In an attempt to fill our need for a vacation, I sort of planned a "staycation". The idea was on my mind for awhile, the planning kind of happened last minute, but what's new there. I thought we would head down to Bloomington to see Alex & Meagan. Stephen's mom was given a free night at a hotel in Seymour that she blessed us with. The hotel was new, had a breakfast bar and an indoor pool. Julian told us, literally twenty times, that he didn't want to leave "this place" and wanted to stay "six nights". This staycation ultimately included swimming, mask making, pizza eating, street walking, uphill hiking, bed jumping, and a little bit of kite flying. It was pleasant.

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