We've had some special moments preparing for the big day. With a little money from Grandma and Grandpa, she picked out her own backpack and outfit. The outfit had to have sparkles on it (on the shirt towards the collar). She's barely taken the backpack off, and has told me all the great uses for a backpack like hers. When she wears it, she insists that she must keep her hands around the straps and pull them toward the center of her chest. That's how you handle a backpack according to D'arcy. She's been telling everyone about her big day.
The preparation has been fun, but I'm looking forward to going on this journey with her. Public school is by no means perfect. She'll be in the midst of kids her age, but who have different personalities and certainly each will be coming from their own unique family with various values and beliefs. She will be sharing her teacher with 19 other 5 year olds. However, I'm certain that she will be able to learn and grow and find great friends along her journey, just as Stephen and I did.
On Tuesday, she will also be turning 5! I'm so thankful for a daughter who is serious, thoughtful, affectionate, comforting, creative, and confident. At this moment in time, D'arcy likes dresses, accessories, her mommy, using scissors, drawing, playing PBS kids, cleaning the mirrors, her baby brother Schroeder, jumping rope, singing, dancing, her daddy, swimming, Christmas music, Chicken noodle soup, strawberry shakes, Rudy's BBQ, Bernstein Bears, her baby doll, her best friend Ju Ju, her church friends, Pixos, jewelry making, Jesus, being independent, her family in Indy, and cartwheels. Being her parent is a daily joy (and challenge!).
Here are some pictures that commemorate the beginning of her school days and celebrate five years of life with Jacquelyn D'arcy Edith Williams.

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