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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baldwin Family *starring Josie*

Had the distinct pleasure of being asked to take picture of this family again! I met them last year when Josie arrived. I realized as I was putting on my jeans that this time last year (when I photographed Josie), I was hugely pregnant. Here is a picture from last year's session.

And here, of course of some of this years. When you photograph kids, the conversation always turns to kids. I try to ask parents about their little ones and I tend to relate what they are saying with a story about my own. I might say, "Oh, yes that happened with my kid and I did..." I'm really just trying to relate and make enjoyable conversation, but I realize that I could come off as a complete know it all. I'm guessing that you didn't come to me for parenting suggestions but just for great photos!

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