This book is perfect for babies aged 9-18 months. I didn't choose it, Julian did. He was probably 10 months old when it found it's way into our library bag. He was instantly enthralled with the babies in the book. I remember him giggling at every page, and especially at the end where the book climaxes. Yes, their is a build up and climax in a baby book! I look forward to the boo! page with every read because I know it's going to bring forth a giggle, or at least it did with Julian. At age 2, D'arcy memorized the words and would read it to him over and over again. We even took video of it with our old phone. Hmmm...Stephen do you still have that?
We had so much fun with this book, that I was determined to buy it for Schroeder. Grammy helped us out with that at Christmas time. She found the BIG board book on Amazon which is even better than the smaller version we had borrowed from the library so many times. I wasn't sure if Schroeder would like it as much as JuJu did, but this book has proven to be more than just an individual favorite. Schroeder is compelled to grab the book and kiss the babies in the first four pages, and the boo! page never fails to produce a smile. Then I close the book and pop it back open again which gets a bigger smile. Then I close the book and pop it open one more time to get that hard earned laugh.
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