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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Moerdyk Family

Three years ago, Laura got my name from another mom I had met at the library. At the time, my business was less than a year old. I was still trying to find my confidence, my technique, and my style. Laura liked the pictures I took that first year, has come back each year for more family photos, and has been great about referring me to her friends. Their business has been really important in building my confidence!

Laura and Wyatt have four whip smart, sweet, and very cute kids. They are really a pleasure to photograph. On our way up the path, Moriah grabbed my hand and was telling me stories. All of them were real quick to say thank you and give me hugs as we ended our session. What a great payment! Plus, October in South Texas is really beautiful. Beautiful weather, a beautiful family, and beautiful scenery make for beautiful pictures, right? Here are just a few of them from our session.

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