Friday, December 14, 2012

So glad to be taking pictures for myself again.

So I was complaining the other day to my friend Julia that my house gets so little light.  The house sits just a few feet away from each house on either side which prevents very much sun from streaming through our side windows.  So even though our kitchen (which was added on at some point in our house's history) is freezing cold during the winter, I look forward to being greeted by the sunshine coming through our back windows.  I took the blinds down awhile ago and hung these in the windows for the winter.  
What's even more wonderful is when I turn the corner in our kitchen to get to our scary cellar I'm greeted by this shadow.  
The sun streaming through the window also showed me that this plastic fruit bowl on our table has a pattern on it.  Who knew?  Well, I like looking at it as I'm cutting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and apples for two of my favorite toddlers.

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