Wednesday, December 19, 2012

If you want to know the sex of our baby, look in this envelope.

A couple of weeks ago, we got a chance to see our baby via ultrasound. All looks well. The baby was wiggling, flipping, and covering it's face. The ultrasound tech kept saying that it was a little thing. I was trying to decipher the entire time if that meant the baby was too small, but at the end, all the measurements read 17 weeks 2 days which was right on. Baby looks to have plenty of fluid, a three vessel cord, a four chamber heart, and fully formed spine and brain. The placenta is high and in the back. All suggests that baby is healthy which most likely means we won't have another opportunity to see the baby before he or she is delivered in May.
We had the tech write the sex down and put it in this envelope. My family has looked. Stephen's family has opted to wait. Some friends have been eager to look, and many are afraid they'll spill the beans. I've been carrying this envelope around in my purse so if you see me, and you would like to know, just ask.
If you find this whole thing silly, we've achieved our goal. We've found out before. We've been surprised. We've had girls. We've had boys. This approach is new and fun and devoid of seriousness. We know there is a good chance someone will slip. In fact, I feel like the ultrasound tech already did. It doesn't matter. I'm just trying to enjoy this sweet and fleeting time. The baby will have all that it needs and will be wholeheartedly loved no matter the sex.

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