Tuesday, July 8, 2014

They're having an anniversary.

This is Adam and Charise.  They are celebrating their first anniversary.  They are fixing up a house two doors down from our church, the church they pastor.  I feel like I'm just getting to know Charise.  I know that she is quiet and artistic and downright elegant.  I know that she loves Jesus...and Adam.  I know Adam a little better.  He's always smiling and loves to tell people how awesome they are.  Adam and Charise and I and some other people have decided to meet weekly and worship and pursue God together.  Our church is a hot mess sometimes, and sometimes it's perfect and beautiful.  And sometimes the beauty comes from staying in community with these people even when we are a hot mess.  I'm thankful for these two, and I'm praying and hoping for good things for them in this new house.


  1. You two are lovely, just as your anniversary celebration will be.

  2. Lovely photographs too.
