Monday, August 19, 2013

Kids say the darndest things...

Maggie will turn three next Wednesday (the 28th).  I've mentioned to Stephen my desire to capture how she expresses herself these days.  It's not enough to document what she says because how she says it is just as important.  Video might be necessary.  She uses her hands, head, and eyebrows to show you how serious EVERYTHING is.  Everything has a little extra emphasis these days.

No video today, though.  Just a few moments that have made me chuckle lately as opposed to making me frustrated.  These days it's about 90% frustration and 10% chuckles.  

One day the four big kids were upstairs playing dress up.  They had come down once to show us their getups and shared that Schroeder was D'arcy's prince and Julian was Maggie's in their charade.  I went upstairs twenty minutes later and the situation had fallen apart.  Maggie shared in the saddest way, "Mommy, no one will marry me!"  My heart broke a little for her until I remembered it was all just a game.  I hope she never has to feel that way as an adult.  

She's been big into giving me makeovers lately.  I sort of chuckled the other day when she asked if she could.  She said, "Makeovers aren't funny."  No, they are very serious.  

She came into my bathroom wearing something ridiculous and announced that she was a "style girl".  Are you seeing a theme of play?  She spends several moments every morning observing herself in the mirror in our room.  

She has been dressing herself lately, and I have to consistently ask her if she has put panties on because she tends to forget that detail.  She doesn't like that question and told me the other day, "Mommy, panties don't go with this dress."  I'm determined to convince her that panties go with EVERYTHING.  

One unrelated moment from Schroeder.  He and Maggie were eating lunch in the kitchen the other day.  He was telling her that I had gotten something out of the refrigerator.  He said, "Do you know Mommy keeps saying it wrong.  She keeps calling it a fridge instead of a REfridgeERATOR.  Pshhhhhhhh (insert ridiculous sound and eyeroll)."  They both began laughing at my stupidity.  

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