Sunday, July 7, 2013

Officially, summer only started two weeks ago.

Summer is going by so fast.

I have said this to myself several times this week.  I hate this sentiment.  Time does not go faster or slower.  A second is a second long, a minute a minute long, a month a month long.  

I hate this sentiment because what I really mean is that I haven't had enough time to do all the things I wanted to do.  Maybe my expectations for what could be accomplished (wait, I mean experienced and enjoyed) this summer are too great.  I've been known to squeeze to much into too short a time.  My kids have eight weeks off of school.  Is summer reading program, tennis lessons, playdates, the zoo, the children's museum, church camp, VBS, family vacation, a canoe trip, swimming, splash park, a trip to the movies, state museum, canal walk, and bike rides too much?  And that's just the fun stuff.  I also have hopes of having the kids help me clean, finish household projects, and have devotional time.  

   Maybe that is too much, but the feeling that time is moving fast probably also means that I'm not being intentional enough about our time so we are watching TV when we could be finishing up that book or going to the splash park or maybe just sitting still.  Melissa, life isn't a big to do list.  

I probably also mean that we have done lots of cool things and I haven't taken a breath to reflect on what we have seen, experienced, and enjoyed. 

I know from experience that when time seems to be "flying by", I must stop, reflect, prioritize, and plan.  Summer isn't flying by, my brain is.  Brain, stop and focus.  

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