Friday, May 3, 2013

Kids say the darndest things...

This afternoon, I'm going to pick D'arcy up from school and we will be taking home three chicks.  They have been watching them hatch in their classroom and now need a home.  D'arcy wanted them to live at our house, but instead they will be going to live with our friends, Twon, Alan, Alida, and Adam who already have chickens and the proper equipment to care for them.

D'arcy came to me last night and says, "So, mom, what is happening tomorrow?  Let's make a plan."

I say, "It's pretty simple.  The plan is that I will pick you up and bring the chicks home. What else do you need to know?"

D'arcy says, "Well, what box are we going to take them home in?"

I shrug and say that I'll find something tomorrow.

She says, "So we are just going to wing it?!"

Chuckling, I say, "Yes, that's pretty much how this house works.  Where have you been for eight years?"

Poor girl seems to desire to plan ahead but is strapped with parents who fly by the seat of their pants.  Daily, D'arcy asks what we'll be doing tomorrow in the morning?  and what about the evening?  And I start to shake and say "I don't know!!!  Stop drilling me about our schedule."

On another completely different note, I was reminding Maggie this morning that we still don't know if the baby is a girl or a boy.  She is adamant that it is a girl.  Schroeder steps in to back me up and says, "Maggie, we don't know if the baby has a penis AND a butt OR NO penis and JUST a butt."


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