Monday, August 27, 2012

This is what eight looks like.

D'arcy turned eight on Saturday. When she woke up, she had a little package with the second Harry Potter book and a note saying we had registered her for a sewing class. She was pleased. Then we left for Turkey Run State Park where we spent the day canoeing, hiking, and camping with a few of our friends from church. We sang happy birthday to her around the campfire. Miss Julia brought some sparklers to make it feel like a celebration. She had a family birthday party several weeks ago. It was a joint party for her and Gabe and Maggie Lu. Every birthday is celebrated a little differently. The rule is to keep it simple, to make her feel loved and special, and to take at least one picture of her.
At eight, D'arcy likes (in no particular order) reading, chicken salad, watching "Good Luck Charlie" on the iPad, sychronized swimming, playing piano, playing with both doll and live babies, Jimmy John's sandwiches, having a busy schedule, playing with neighbors after school, spending quality time with loved ones (If I were to guess, I would say quality time and physical touch are her love languages), going to movies with her Daddy, drawing, ridiculous accessories, playing Sudoku, and helping me cook. School seems to come easy for her, and she enjoys it. She is helpful around the house. She can unload the dishwasher, and clean her bathroom. She can do some cooking on her own including making pancakes.
She rushes, always ready for the next thing before the current thing is over. She wants to know what today and tomorrow and the next day will look like. I don't think she loves that childhood typically means that mom and dad make the schedule and aren't always willing to give her an itinerary two days in advance. She's kind of sloppy, but she's also kindhearted and thoughtful. She is sensitive and is usually sad instead of angry when she gets in trouble. She's crafty or artistic...only time will tell. She's much more interested in science than I ever remember being both in nature and in the human body.
Here she is at eight. Another year has gone by, and that hair has not changed color.

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