Monday, August 6, 2012

Schroeder's new favorite game is called "Chris".

Well, that's what he calls it anyway. I call it Risk. Someone bought this game for us for our wedding. It had never been played until Schroeder started getting it out six months ago. He knows just what to do with those canons. He knows just what sounds to make. I make him play it up on my desk. He tried to dump the yellow pieces into his back pack today. I guess he had visions of carrying them around and having them handy to play with. Can you imagine little canons and army men everywhere you turn...under every couch cushion and lurking in the corner of every room begging to be picked up out of the dust and dirt when you sweep the floor? I feel myself going mad just thinking about it. Nope, keep your Chris on the table, dude.

1 comment:

  1. (last picture) "und vee vill obliterate the enemy here... in Canada!"
