Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Melissa + Joy | AT HOME | Playtime

What does playtime look like at our house. I felt overwhelmed at the idea of documenting this.  It's summertime so I feel like when they aren't sleeping or eating, they are playing.  I tried to focus on what they do when I make them go upstairs and play for two hours without interrupting me.

Julian plays with LEGOs.
D'arcy gets crafty.  I betrayed her by showing you the back of her cross-stitch in all of it's messiness. Mom & Connie, who does that remind you of?  I keep reminding myself that this is her first attempt and I need to give lots of praise and just a little prompting to be more detail oriented.
Schroeder plays with cars, trains, planes, superheroes....the list goes on.  He is such a good player, and his play always comes with sound effects.
Maggie sleeps.  She still doesn't "play" a whole bunch.  She holds her baby and her purse.  She puts on shoes.  She copies her older brothers and sister.  She gets mad if anyone touches her stuff.

They all make a mess.  I make them pick up their room once a day, but I'm no good at teaching them to pick up as they go.  Blah.  I try to put some of their toys up and away so there are less toys to make a mess with.  If there are too many toys to play with, they get overwhelmed.  And if there are too many toys to pick up, they get overwhelmed.  So I try to stick some toys up in the closet to be discovered in a week or two to their great joy instead of keeping them in bins to DUMP everyday during upstairs play time.

That's my tip for parents.  If your kids are getting bored with their toys or are struggling to pick up, puts some toys away.  Don't get rid of them.  Just put them up in their closet.  When they notice them in their closet in two weeks, you get them down and put different ones up.  Do it.  I need to do more of it.

Enough on my war against toys.

More pictures.  From Joy (Jax is playing, too), and from me.

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