Thursday, April 26, 2012

Melissa + Joy : AT HOME | Bed Time

You might remember that my friend Joy and I had a series last year entitled "Saturated".  We had a color each month that we tried to capture in some form.  It was a blessing to me in many ways.  I got a chance to stay connected with my dear friend who is living so far away, and it pushed me to both be creative and take photos of something other than people.  
Joy and I wanted to do another series this year.  We had some great ideas that we will hopefully get to do in the future, BUT Joy became a mom in March.  Can I say how happy this makes me.  Just typing that makes me tear up.  SO Joy has a lot to adjust to and much to savor this year.  I wanted our photo series to help her do that instead of distract her from it.  
I've also been wanting to take pictures of my kids in our daily routines.  You know, I pick up my camera on a special occasions or amazing feats.  I don't have my camera with me when something beautiful happens in the midst of the ordinary like when Maggie holds her Tessa baby close when I put her to bed.  Well, I do have my iphone which is helping me treasure some of those moments.  So I asked Joy if maybe we could do a photo series of us documenting the most mundane of tasks as moms in an attempt to capture bits of beauty. 
This month we start with bedtime.  With every pregnancy, I've been the most nervous about the idea of having another person to put to bed.  My kids go to sleep well.  Ok, Schoreder has been a little difficult as of late but nothing crazy difficult.  BUT before they fall hard they speed up.  There is manic motion and noise and by that point of the day I'M DONE BEING A MOM.  Please notice documentation of chaos in picture three where Schroeder has toothpaste in his hair.  And yet amid the chaos there is beauty.  Note picture four where Schroeder is flying away, and picture seven where D'arcy is dancing to a tape by Tchaikovsky that she purchased from the second hand store this past weekend.  
Joy has her own beauty on display here.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Maggie is old enough to be POSING. I love these!
