Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm trying to let priorities rule my list instead of letting my list rule me.

I need to say that there is a reason why my goal is not a clean house. If that was my goal, I would never, ever sit down. Instead, I'm trying to achieve a house that runs. That means that dinner gets made at which point there are a clean dishes to put it on. That also means that there are clean clothes available to those getting dressed in the morning. My success equals a functioning house.
So here is how I did on finishing what I started.

Finish painting dining room.
Finish sewing skirts with D'arcy.
Finish sending AJ and Sarah's album for design now that I finally got access to FTP server.
Follow up with Tad (our realtor) about his recommendation of who should come look at our sagging dining room floor.
Write blog post update on my mom.
Make & send out one WGP cd a day.
Edit, edit, edit all those pictures I took over the last ten days.
Go back to working out each day with wii dance. (I did work out a few times. It wasn't a total fail)
Read 1 Samuel 25&26.
LAUNDRY & bathrooms!

Here are a few of the things planned for this week.

Read 1 Samuel 28 & 29.
Finish sewing skirts with D'arcy. (I'm concerned they are going to be too short! Crossing my fingers.)
Gather my courage, get up in the attic, and check to see if small discolored spots on upstairs ceiling are old or new.
Work out each day with wii dance.
Purchase a birthday present for Stephen.
Order CDs, CD mailer envelopes, business cards (sticking with an old design for now), and canvases (looking forward to making some art with my photos) online.
Touch up paint in dining room.
Submit change requests for AJ & Sarah's album design & finish editing photos from March's wedding.
Take photos for Joy and I's new photo series.

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