Monday, March 19, 2012

Maybe blogging my weeks goals will keep me accountable...

Make shutterfly book for Maggie's first year. Read the other kids first year books to them.
Paint little section of garage that was hidden behind a gutter that we got rid of.
Read 1 Samuel 23 & 24
Clean out car.
Finish details of Darcy and Julian's room. (This will be a 2 or 3 week project. This week I'm going to order pictures for D'arcy's collage, and take extra bookshelf up to their room.)
Work on more ideas for my blog.
Gather up clothes that Maggie Lu and Schroeder have outgrown and hand them down to Eowyn, Tessa, and Rogi.
Work out each day with Wii Dance and do 40 lunges.
Find a forward facing car seat for Maggie.
More prayer for my home group pals.

I'm 70% done with Maggie's first year book. Those things can be so time consuming. My pictures were already edited and mostly organized. I promised myself that I wouldn't fiddle with the editing anymore. Still, you have to upload the photos, organize them on pages, pick the style of the book, tweak everything. I think I spent at least an hour trying to figure out what style to choose. I picked one that I like and then decided a half hour later that it wasn't right. It will be well worth it in the end. I make them into little story books so I can read them to the kids. Schroeder and Julian love to read theirs. D'arcy asked me to make her one. She has an old school style picture album because we didn't have a digital camera when she was born. You know, way back when our tvs weren't all flat, facebook was only for college kids, and dinosaurs roamed the earth. But, I promised her, I would work on getting her pictures scanned in so I could make her one.

So leftovers from last week:
Finish shutterfly book for Maggie's first year. Read the other kids first books to them.
Continue details of D'arcy and Julian's room. (Place picture order for D'arcy's collage. Buy bolts to put the mirror on D'arcy's desk.)

And some new ones:
Read 1 Samuel 24 & 25
Work on a special series of photos of Schroeder for his birthday week (he turns three on the 27th) inspired by my photographer friend Alyssa.
Identify what is currently growing in our front yard and make some decisions on what to keep and what to plant.
Work out each day with Wii Dance and do 40 lunges.
Make & order some new "business cards". I make non-traditional cards because they make me happy.
Work through the Lemonade Day Packets we got from the library with D'arcy & Julian.
Make plans with some friends we haven't seen in a while.

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