Friday, February 25, 2011

Faith Comes Softly: Dedication

Maggie Lu was dedicated in January in our new church. It was a crazy day because we also unexpectedly put an offer on a house that day. So we were running from that to church which meets at night. Church was being held in a different venue that evening. Instead of being quiet and dim, it felt loud and bright. Maybe our senses were heightened because of the big decision we had just made.
We had a chance to stand in front of our congregation, our family, and our God and do two things. We vowed to raise our children and specifically Maggie in the truths that Jesus came to teach and the grace he died to give. We also asked for help because that is a heavy job. Thankfully so many people are up to helping us.
My hope for Maggie is that she will decide to take the risk of looking and feeling like a fool and embrace faith in Christ.

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