Saturday, January 22, 2011

We had a good week.

Last Sunday after church, a friend asked me about my week. I said it was good while I tried to remember what happened. When my memory booted up, I chuckled to myself. Yeah, this week has been good.
We put an offer on a house. My sister had an ultrasound suggesting both babies were growing well. My brother received his referral from Ethiopia.
Do you ever fret and worry about something? Then it happens as you hoped it would. The celebration lasts two minutes and then you are on to thinking about the next step? That's why I couldn't remember what had happened only six or seven days ago. I had long since moved on from the "Whopee!" moment into the "What's next?" moment. I should spend more time in "Whopee!"
We put an offer on a 3000 square foot, 100 year old, 2 story house downtown. It has a parlor. It has built in bookcases. It has ceilings a million feet high. We went looking with our realtor, Tad, on Friday. We looked at three homes. Stephen and I both found a home we liked, but they weren't the same. I was frustrated because I thought we would be on the same page, but we weren't. We had a little house pow wow on Friday night. I saw his point of view. He saw mine. We looked at the other options on and knew that this home would most likely work for both of us. It did. It's in short sale, though. For those of you who don't speak realtor, it means that the house is on the verge of being foreclosed on so the bank needs to agree to the sale. Banks are slow. So we are waiting. Who wants to move when its four degrees out anyway?
My brother received a referral for a two month old little boy named Rogi. Everyone's reaction to his name is, "AWWWW..." Rogi is Ethiopian. They decided that he will be further named Rogi James Clark. RJ is an acceptable nickname. In due time, I'll share his sweet face, but won't be able until Rogi is legally Kyle and Emily's child. Here's something that tickles me. Kyle has never flown. His first trip on an airplane will be to Africa. They'll go in April(ish) to appear in court. Then Emily will go again in the summer to bring Rogi home. I'm getting my passport and shots in order just in case I get to go, too. I have a couple other commitments that could conflict. We'll just have to wait and see.
Rogi might be coming home around the same time that my sister brings home her twins who are now fourteen weeks old. My sister may or may not have lots of purple in her near future. The ultrasound tech said that her early estimate is GIRLS!

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