Friday, September 24, 2010


One of my desires is to use my experiences as a mom to encourage and help other moms. There are some experiences I have never had, though. I've never had to put my desire for children on hold waiting for the right situation. I've never struggled to conceive. I've never struggled to carry a child to term. I've never lost a child.
I was telling Stephen the other day that so many of my closest friends are experiencing these things. All I want to do is help them, but I have no words, no advice to bring. But maybe that's best. Maybe what they need is a friend who has nothing to say and just listens. Shutting up isn't one of my strong suits, but I'm working on it.


  1. I hear you. Excellent post. I want to help by knowing everything. But that's not helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is a great poem shared with me during several losses: "see me through my tears."
    I wanted to scream when people pretended like nothing had happened. When all I wanted was for them to ask, and then listen, let me cry, and know that I will be ok.

