Monday, July 19, 2010

Kids say the darndest things...

My mother-in-law, Dianne, firmly announced that this little story should make it on the blog so here goes...
We take eating seriously in our family. Kids must eat everything being served at the dinner table. They are given an appropriate portion and they are expected to eat it all. Tonight, we had hamburgers, corn-on-the-cob, cucumber and tomato salad, and potato salad. My kids are not big fans of potato salad, but they have long since learned that it doesn't matter, they are still having some.
There is also something called "Daddy tax" in our household. Daddy (or on occasion, Mommy) has the right to take a portion of our child's food. Can you see where this is headed? Daddy tax is something our children normally dislike as they don't typically like the idea of sharing their dessert.
Tonight, though, our clever son wanted more corn on the cob but was told he must finish his potato salad. He looked at his father very innocently and said, "Daddy, don't you need to take a Daddy tax."

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