Saturday, June 12, 2010

D'arcy Graduated

June 3rd was D'arcy's last day of kindergarten. Her school put together a full graduation complete with hats, a processional, balloons, songs, cake, and Capri Suns. I brought my camera, but I've expressed before and I'll express again that I hate to wrestle for a spot to photograph my child during an event. Is it possible whatsoever to even get a halfway decent shot? I much prefer to sit back and enjoy the program and preserve it in my memory. I did take just a couple of shots immediately following the program.
D'arcy, of course, will be changing schools in the fall due to our move. I've been really pleased with her experience this year, though. Sending her to the local public school has really allowed our family to become incorporated in our community. We met loads of our neighbors as we walked to school each day. She shared a teacher with kids of all different personalities, colors, and learning capabilities. One of her classmates, Maritsa, has down syndrome. D'arcy came home early in the year telling me of a girl who "spoke like a baby". Maritsa learned to really like D'arcy and would follow her around during recess. D'arcy has come to understand Maritsa's disabilities and her compassion for her has grown.
All I remember doing in kindergarten is coloring letter men, stringing beads in a pattern, and playing with a blue phone. Among other things, D'arcy spent her year learning to read and is gladly using her skill to read to herself and her little brothers. She'll read to you, too, if you come over to the house or take a ride in our car.

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