Saturday, May 1, 2010

Faith comes softly

I tend to think that faith in children is not something that is solidified one day when they decide to pray "The sinners prayer". Instead, it is something they seem to gradually embrace. D'arcy has professed a faith in Christ, but it's neat to see that faith gradually become solidified.

The other day, Stephen and I took the kids over to our church for a work day. We moved into a new building about a year ago, and just finished our first round of intensive renovations. We were there to help put some finishing touches on the space before Easter Sunday.

After church on Sunday, Joy, who was leading the work day, mentioned that she was really encouraged that D'arcy came to her on several occasions during the work day to ask how she could help. Joy put her to work carrying trash to the dumpster and sorting screws.

When we got in the van to go home, I mentioned to D'arcy how impressed Joy was with her. D'arcy just sort of shrugged and said, "I love my church." Yep, I thought, it is HER church.

1 comment:

  1. This is just so sweet. I am praying that you will find another church here that D'arcy and all of you can love AND that will love you as well as the body there has loved you. It has been such a wonderful "family" for you all.
