Thursday, March 11, 2010

Those Moxley Kids: Update #5 on my sister

Once again, my sister headed to Cincinnati today. The specialists ran their tests and once again confirmed that the babies' hearts have not gotten worse. So, they are putting the surgery off again. They are, though, going to do an amniocentesis to remove the fluid around the recipient twin. They estimate that he has more than a liter of fluid that is taking up everyone's space, both his brothers' and his mother's. Connie is super uncomfortable because one little guy is up under her ribs and she finds it difficult to find a comfortable position. Hopefully removing this fluid with benefit her comfort, the health of the babies, and the outcome of this pregnancy.

Something really cool is that Connie's doctor suggested she get a recliner to prevent blood clots. My sister doesn't own one, but within an hour of posting it on her hospital care page, several of her friends offered her one. It's always great to see peoples' generosity and care come out. In situations like these, people really want to know how they can help and it's cool that her blog is a way to convey her needs.

These babies also have names....but I'm not sure I can share them.

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