Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Julian is 3!

The twos were definitely not terrible for this little guy. Ok, he's energetic, aggressive at moments, and he definitely learned to talk back, but he has remained teachable and sweet. In the past year he has transformed from a baby boy into a full fledge boy (He has the chipped front tooth to prove it). He is potty trained, is working on getting rid of his thumb sucking habit, and is now a big brother! We are in full force teaching him all things preschool from his numbers and letters to riding his training bike to writing with his LEFT hand.

On the day he turns three, Julian likes Kung Fu Panda, hitting a baseball, "patting" his baby brother, being power bombed by his manly friends at church, running "FAST!", singing songs like "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord", "I'm Different, Different", "Come let us adore him", and "I like to move it, move it". He also likes going to the theatre and the library, playing with his playgroup buddies, his stuffed animals "firefox", Woody, and Cookie Monster, Thomas the train, cuddling with his mommy, Flintstones vitamins, blueberry applesauce, running around without any pants, reading books with his big sister, his Daddy, puzzles, popsicles, and all his family that lives so far away in Indiana.

Here are a few pictures to commemorate his big day.

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