Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Cassano Family

I love taking pictures of people I love! I met Nathan and Rachelle way back in 2005 right after we moved to Texas. They met online (we actually know lots of people who've met and married this way) and Nathan had just helped Rachelle move down here to Texas from New York. Since then we've been through lots of life with these people. A wedding, three new babies, four Thanksgivings, one crazy dog incident, and a couple of jobs later, we are still great friends.
Their little boy, Elliot, just turned one, and Rachelle asked me to take some photos of their family. Elliot is a curious, crazy fast, little crawler. Why walk if you can't run? That's his motto. He loves his mommy and daddy and like any one year old, likes being tickled and giving open mouthed kisses. I remember this age with JuJu and can't wait for it with Schroeder.
So Rachelle and Nathan, take a break from all that coding and mommying and check out your sneak peak!

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