Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pre-school Graduation

Giant Steps, Giant Steps, Giant Steps is fun
Giant Steps is a private place where learning has begun
Caring, sharing with our friends makes it a happy school
If you keep on learning then you are really cool

These are the words of the opening song to D'arcy's first commencement exercise. She has come to the end of her pre-school days. Since September, she has become confident in recognizing and writing all of her letters and numbers, has colored, cut, pasted, and painted many projects (which Stephen had me stuff in a drawer throughout the whole year so D'arcy wouldn't have the trauma of seeing her projects in the trash can...we are going to sort through the drawer soon to locate the five most important piece to keep), and has learned innumerable songs describing everything from the weather to the days of the week. Here are a few of the lyrics to the most commonly sung songs in our home...

There's Sunday and there's Monday
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday
There's Thursday and there's Friday
and then there's Saturday
Days of the Week (clap, clap)
(Sung to the Adam's Family tune)

What's the weather, What's the weather
Doing Now, Doing Now
Is the sun shining bright?
Is their rain all about?
Is their snow? Is there snow?

The answer to the last question is, of course, always NO here is San Antonio.

You might remember my post about pre-school being in the same category as Highlights magazine and slap bracelets. You know those things that only spoiled kids get. So D'arcy has been spoiled rotten this year attending a pre-school with a white picket fence and other spoiled children with names like Ainsley and Ronan. I now know, though, that it is completely unnecessary to send any of our other children to pre-school because D'arcy is perpetually teaching Julian everything she learns. I've heard that Giant Steps song so many times today that I'm sure Giant Steps will probably be Schroeder's first words.

Summer break and we come!

D'arcy insisted on wearing her princess dress up clothes for the ceremony. I suggested she wear one of her Easter dresses, and she said, "PLEEEAAASE, mom! Don't MAKE me wear one of those dresses." God forbid.

Here is the trophy that Julian coveted so much.

Stars decorated the playground where the ceremony took place. Each one naming the elementary school where each kindergartener would go next year.

D'arcy's little red headed friend, Meadow. She was the first friend D'arcy made at school
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1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the note I often thought I would put on the boys--This child picked her on clothes today--she is learning to make choices and exercise her independence. ( : This Grammy loves the princess graduation outfit--sure beats the white cap and gown
