Monday, March 30, 2009

Where the heck did this name come from?

Duren ~ is a family name. Stephen's maternal grandpa, uncle, and brother all have the name.

Schroeder~ a name that makes us smile. We are ok if it conjures up thoughts of Peanuts.

Vonnegut~ a reference to the author Kurt Vonnegut. This reference reflects our love to read, think critically, and find humor in life. Also, this author hails from Indianapolis which is where Stephen and I were raised, met, and married. Indianapolis will probably always be our "HOME". Maybe someday it will also be where we locate ourselves year round.

1 comment:

  1. That is very cool. Does your other kids name have special meaning to them too? It really seems you guys put a lot of effort into his name. He is very cute and Congats on his birth.
