Thursday, February 26, 2009

My birth suggestion

On Sunday, I will hit a couple of milestones in this pregnancy. I will be exactly 37 weeks along. Sunday is also the first day of March which means we will have finally made it to this baby's birth month. Last week, we went to the midwife appointment and found out I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Holly, our midwife, casually predicted that I wouldn't go past my due date this time. The co-sleeper is set up in our room, the swing is up, the carseat is ready, the baby clothes are washed, and I bought a new robe and swimsuit top to wear during the labor. Besides buying some little diapers, we are "ready".
All this sounds so exciting until I realize that on Sunday, I'll be 3 weeks away from my due date. Which means that I'm going to be pregnant the majority of the month of March. And yes, I'm 2 cm but the baby is still pretty high. Plus, I have a couple more photo sessions scheduled between now and my due date that I would prefer not to cancel. AND, Julian is on the VERGE of being potty trained. I think three weeks might make a huge difference. He is wearing underwear everywhere now!
So basically, It's finally here, and yet, it's not here. And I'm ready, but not really. And yes, I feel huge, but I'm still sleeping all night :). It's a strange place to be. I'm excited to meet this baby, to see what it looks like, and find out if it is a he or a she. Frankly, I'm looking forward to comparing this baby with our other children. But if I think about it too much, I find it more difficult to wait patiently. So I'm trying to take this three weeks day by day, and try to get myself excited about what we are doing from week to week.
With all that in mind, I am making a suggestion (not a prediction because I know this scenario is pretty unlikely)to God that this baby should be born on St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) and it should be a girl named Maggie. I think that name makes perfect sense for the holiday, don't you? Stephen can happily celebrate her birth with his favorite beer each year.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Grammy & Poppy's visit

Grammy & Poppy visited Texas in January. It turned out to be the coldest week of the year up north so it was a great week to visit San Antonio. Dianne, Emmett, and I worked together to get all of the baby clothes down from the attic, washed, and ready for Baby Sprocket's arrival. The clothes are sorted into neutral, girl, and boy clothes. We bought some new drawers for the clothes to go into, but they weren't big enough to put everything. I was tempted to fill the drawers up with girly clothes (because I have my fingers crossed for a girl), but decided that wouldn't be fair to baby if he is a boy. So there is an equal amount of boys and girls clothes in the drawers, and the rest are in a box on top. My silly mind games : ).
D'arcy and Julian enjoyed spending time at Grammy & Poppy's vacation house downtown. We have a rule in our house...we only jump on hotel beds so they always get excited to stay in a hotel. Besides bed jumping, they spent quite a few moments of the week dressed up in their new star wars gear.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009