Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sprocket's First Photo Shoot

My friend Joy Crampton came over yesterday to capture some photos of my growing belly (something that is difficult to do myself). Here are a few of the photos we took. We took some with the kids too, but those haven't been edited yet so keep checking the blog.

I'm now 32 weeks along in my pregnancy and am getting comments like, "How much longer?" and "Are you having twins?". I had an appointment with my midwife last Thursday who casually noticed that baby was head up (2 weeks ago baby was head down). This sort of freaked me out as I don't want to be put in the position of having to decide to have cesarean or not or having a cesarean and then having to choose next time whether to try for a vaginal birth after 2 previous cesareans. That would be extrememly emotionally draining. Of course my midwife assurred me that I should not be worried, they don't even start thinking about the potential for breech until week 34, and that they are always most concerned about the babies who have never been head down. So I am trying to take every thought captive and stop my pointless worrying.

I don't think I shared this little story, yet. We were walking in a shop, and Julian was stopped and asked if Mommy was going to have a boy or a girl. He adamently replies, "It's a baby Sprocket!" Of course the woman looks at me totally clueless.




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  1. Oh WOW I can't believe you're already 32 weeks! Amazing! And what wonderful photos- you look beautiful. :) I am so happy for you guys :) :) :) :) :)

  2. Boy pregnancies go by faster when you're not the one carrying the baby!
    Cute photos...
