Friday, November 21, 2008

Parents and Pies

D'arcy's preschool has a special event each month. This month D'arcy's class invited the parents to the school for a special presentation and some pie. There will be no pictures for this blog as I did not bring my camera with me. I love taking photos, obviously. However, I'm conscientious about always being behind the camera. There are moments that are worth just experiencing. So with every event, I have to make a decision to take or not take the camera. I was probably the only parent there without a camera of some sort. In fact, one of D'arcy's friend's mom came in to the room, asked me to save her a seat, and told me she was going to run home to get her forgotten camera. Ten minutes and three preschool songs later, she arrived to learn she had missed the whole thing. In the frenzy to document the event, she missed it entirely. Thankfully, the kids did an encore after the pie.

I was also the only parent to not bring a pie. What a lame mom to not bring a camera or a pie! That was one of the hundred things I did, proudly, say no to this week. I'm looking forward to June when VLI will end, and I will be able to reevaluate all of my commitments.

Anyway, back to those Williams kids...D'arcy's class has a warning for all those turkeys out there. It comes in the form of a song.

Turkey, Turkey,
Run away, run away.
If you don't be careful, you will be a mouthful
Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for not making a pie. I agree with you about the camera thing-- that some moments are just worth experiencing. Sometimes trying to take pictures to remember it later totally takes the zing and zest out of the moment. I am always debating in my head if it is really worth taking pictures at different events. I think mostly it is :)
