Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What does love mean?

What does love mean?

This was a question that D'arcy posed to me at the lunch table one day. I searched for a philosophical answer, an answer that would capture the essence of the word. I started to ramble, and D'arcy stopped me and said, "No, Love means to give kisses and hugs."



Sometime after we came home from Tennessee in November, Julian decided that peek-a-boo was his favorite game which meant he played all day long. When I entered the room after his nap he said Boo (well his version actually sounds more like buh). When he would come down the hall into the kitchen he would yell Buh! He would go behind me, then come around one side and buh! then the other side and buh!

The doctor asked how many words he was saying. 4? 6? Let's see, thus far he can say, Daddy, Mama, D'arcy, Doggy, Begbie, Up, Please (we've only heard this one a couple of times), Ball, and Yeah. That makes 9.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Official Geek Family

Last Christmas, Stephen's mom bought us binary T-shirts that said Mom, Dad, and kid, respectively. Stephen sent the picture into where the T-shirts were purchased, and they added us as the primary Customer Action Shot! Stephen was thrilled to say the least. Check us out at...

Let the geek in you emerge.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


We are officially declaring d'ar.........cyyy as Julian's first word. Julian choose to honor his very best friend who makes sure that he is read to at night even when mommy isn't up to it. She's the one who keeps him giggling long after they should have been asleep and who frees him from the jerry rigged thumb sucking prevention bandage that mommy and daddy are forcing him to wear at night. Good choice, Julian.

Julian has also decided that walking is worth the pain and suffering. Yesterday, at the library, he spent about an hour and a half happily walking up and down the aisles. D'arcy was excited to get her stroller back as she has decided that walking isn't really worth the trouble.

Radio Flyer

Julian's new wheels! D'arcy is just as excited. We've been taking walks in the wagon a couple of times a week.

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Pumpkin Patch

D'Arcy was adament that I needed a pumpkin to paint as well. Even after I told her that I wasn't buying another one, she somehow convinced the lady to give her one for free. I guess it was her cuteness factor.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This weekend we went to a birthday party, and the kids got charicatures of themselves drawn. I think Julian's eyes are pretty accurate.

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Monday, October 8, 2007

Our fire hazard side yard!

This is what it looked like when we bought the house!

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Our Party Side Yard

We've been talking about sending pictures of our side yard for a year... I finally took some at night. This is where we had Julian's party. We are having a Halloween Outreach here this month. Although it still needs some work. It is looking much improved from its original state.

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I'm Walking!

Julian decided to practice walking on his first birthday. Every day he takes a few more steps and becomes a little more confident.

This is what he looks like when he is tired of us trying to put him on his feet.
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Julian's Birthday Party

We celebrated Julian's birthday this Saturday with a small party at our home. You get a "healthy" cake on your first birthday. Julian's was made with fresh apples, cinnamon, and honey. You can tell from the pictures how much he enjoyed it.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

The "Official" first steps...

Julian took his official first steps on Sunday, September 8th. I stood on the floor in front of me on the ground after our church service, and he decided to show off to all our friends. He took about five small steps toward me. He hasn't ventured walking unless I set the senario up, but he does instigate pulling himself up and letting go. Sometimes he looks at a nearby piece of furniture, and, in his eyes, you can tell he's thinking, "Can I make it?" The answer thus far has been, "Let's not chance that. There's always crawling."
The bottom picture shows off his master ability to climb. He loves, loves, loves to climb on D'arcy's toddler bed, but we still need to teach him how to get down with grace.

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Our little back seat driver....

We taught D'arcy what each color on the traffic light means. Although this is a good lesson in colors and general awareness, we have now created a back seat driver. She yells, "Go Daddy, it's green!" or "STOP! STOP! STOP!" Unfortunately, the "GO" comes many times when we are still waiting for the car in front of us to move, and the "STOP" comes way before we reach the light.

One night, D'Arcy and I saw the moon out the car window. When we came home, she told Daddy what we had seen. He asked if it was full, and she quickly replies, "The moon doesn't eat." Daddy explained that when the moon is full, you can see a man on it. So now she asks every evening if the man is there yet.

Stephen and I were having a heated discussion, and D'arcy turns to say, "Mommy, is Daddy fustrated at you." I reply, "Yes, yes, he probably is."

I was really proud of her this week because she put a 24 piece puzzle together all on her own. We've done this puzzle together on many occasions, and I always tell her to start with the lips of Cinderella. It was really cool to see how my simple instruction allowed her to complete it on her own. When she accomplishes something, she now has learned to ask, "Won't Daddy be so proud of me?"

On kind of a gross, silly note, she is obsessed with our little family unit. Every time she draws, she makes a Daddy, Mommy, a girl, and a baby. Julian hasn't reached boy status yet. She has even discovered the family unit when she uses the bathroom. "Look mom, it's a Daddy poop, a Mommy poop, and a baby poop."

Last but not least, I want to mention that she has now intentionally started to call me "mama" instead of mommy or mom. She will even correct herself if she uses another term. I think it was because we tell Julian to say "mama". It's pretty sweet.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Random Comments

Comments that make me smile...

"Mommy, thank you for making lunch."

"I love you mommy."

"Mommy, can we listen to Hey Jude don't make it bad?"

"Mommy, are you sad?"

"Mommy, I'm so glad to see you."

Comments I'm not so sure about...

"Mommy, I have a baby Jackson in my belly. He is growing big and big and then he will come out. OK?"

"My baby died. Yeah, I tried to help her for two hours. She was sick and died."

Thursday, September 13, 2007